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coops' make added by C-Keen on Wed Jan 17 16:32:58 2018

(define make
  (lambda (c . svsv)
    (check-instance c 'make)
    (let* ((slotnames 
	    (fast-standard-class-slot c +standard-class-slotnames-slot+))
	   (sv (make-vector (length slotnames) uninitialized))
	   (i (make-coops-instance c sv)))
      (define (slot-index name)
	(or (position name slotnames)
	    (error "no such slot in instances of given class" name c)))
      (let loop ((svsv svsv))
	(cond ((null? svsv) 
	       (unless bootstrapping (initialize-instance i))
	      ((null? (cdr svsv))
	       (error 'make "missing slot value" (car svsv) i))
	       (##sys#setslot sv (slot-index (car svsv)) (cadr svsv))
	       (loop (cddr svsv))))))))

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