Welcome to the CHICKEN Scheme pasting service

profiling added by chickendan on Fri Apr 12 22:41:07 2019

procedure                                      calls  seconds  average  percent
wp.scm:34: srfi-69#hash-table-update!/default   3100   84.260    0.027   55.434
wp.scm:35: chicken.string#string-split          2752   42.320    0.015   27.842
wp.scm:39: chicken.base#print                      9    7.469    0.830    4.914
wp.scm:29: chicken.fixnum#fx+                    601    6.759    0.011    4.447
wp.scm:36: chicken.io#read-line                  543    6.099    0.011    4.013
wp.scm:41: chicken.fixnum#fx<                     91    1.930    0.021    1.269
wp.scm:41: scheme#cdr                             92    1.670    0.018    1.098
wp.scm:33: scheme#for-each                        67    0.700    0.010    0.460
wp.scm:40: scheme#cons                             1    0.480    0.480    0.315
wp.scm:40: chicken.sort#sort                       1    0.220    0.220    0.144
wp.scm:39: scheme#cdr                              8    0.090    0.011    0.059

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