;;; -*- Mode: Scheme -*- ;;;; Shuffling Sequences ;;; This code is written by Taylor R. Campbell and placed in the Public ;;; Domain. All warranties are disclaimed. ;;; This uses SRFIs 1 (list-lib) and 8 (receive). ;;; ;;; Most of these shufflers are for lists. There is a Fisher-Yates or ;;; Knuth shuffler for random-access data structures at the end of the ;;; file. Most of the list shufflers come in two variants: functional ;;; and linear-update. The latter are allowed to modify and destroy ;;; their input lists; the former are not. (declare (unit shuffle)) (use random-bsd) ;;;; Binary Shuffle ;;; Go through the list, collecting a left list and a right list by ;;; randomly choosing which list to put successive elements on. ;;; Recursively the left and right lists, and then concatenate them. (define (binary-shuffle-list list) (define (bifurcate list left right) (if (null-list? list) (values left right) (let ((item (car list)) (list (cdr list))) (if (flip-coin) (bifurcate list (cons item left) right) (bifurcate list left (cons item right)))))) (let shuffle ((list list) (tail '())) (cond ((null-list? list) tail) ((null-list? (cdr list)) (cons (car list) tail)) ((null-list? (cddr list)) (if (flip-coin) (cons (car list) (cons (cadr list) tail)) (cons (cadr list) (cons (car list) tail)))) (else (receive (left right) (bifurcate list '() '()) (shuffle left (shuffle right tail))))))) (define (binary-shuffle-list! list) (define (bifurcate! list left right) (if (null-list? list) (values left right) (let ((item (car list)) (next (cdr list))) (if (flip-coin) (begin (set-cdr! list left) (bifurcate! next list right)) (begin (set-cdr! list right) (bifurcate! next left list)))))) (let shuffle! ((list list) (tail '())) (cond ((null-list? list) tail) ((null-list? (cdr list)) (set-cdr! list tail) list) ((null-list? (cddr list)) ;; LIST is (A B), so... (if (flip-coin) (let ((next (cdr list))) ;; ...set it to (B A . tail). (set-cdr! list tail) (set-cdr! next list) next) (begin ;; ...set it to (A B . tail). (set-cdr! (cdr list) tail) list))) (else (receive (left right) (bifurcate! list '() '()) (shuffle! left (shuffle! right tail))))))) ;;;; Merge Shuffle ;;; Partition the list into two equal halves; shuffle the two halves, ;;; and then merge them by randomly choosing which half to select the ;;; next element from. (define (merge-shuffle-list list) (define (merge a b) (cond ((not (pair? a)) b) ((not (pair? b)) a) (else (if (flip-coin) (cons (car a) (merge (cdr a) b)) (cons (car b) (merge a (cdr b))))))) (define (partition list a b) (let ((next (cdr list)) (a b) (b (cons (car list) a))) (if (null-list? next) (values a b) (partition next a b)))) (if (null-list? list) '() (let shuffle ((list list)) (if (null-list? (cdr list)) list (receive (a b) (partition list '() '()) (merge (shuffle a) (shuffle b))))))) ;;; This has *far* too many SET-CDR!s. (define (merge-shuffle-list! list) (define (merge! a b) (cond ((null-list? a) b) ((null-list? b) a) ((flip-coin) (%merge! a b) a) (else (%merge! b a) b))) (define (%merge! a b) (cond ((null-list? (cdr a)) (set-cdr! a b)) ((flip-coin) (%merge! (cdr a) b)) (else (%merge! b (let ((next (cdr a))) (set-cdr! a b) next))))) (define (partition! list a b) (let ((next (cdr list))) (set-cdr! list a) (if (null-list? next) (values list b) (partition! next b list)))) (if (null-list? list) '() (let shuffle! ((list list)) (if (null-list? (cdr list)) list (receive (a b) (partition! list '() '()) (merge! (shuffle! a) (shuffle! b))))))) ;;;; Insertion Shuffle (define (insertion-shuffle-list list) (define (insert list position item) (if (zero? position) (cons item list) (cons (car list) (insert (cdr list) (- position 1) item)))) (if (null-list? list) '() (let loop ((in (cdr list)) (count 1) (out (cons (car list) '()))) (let ((count (+ count 1)) (item (car in)) (next (cdr in))) (let ((out (insert out (random count) item))) (if (null-list? next) out (loop next count out))))))) (define (insertion-shuffle-list! list) (define (insert! list lag position cell) (let ((position (- position 1))) (if (zero? position) (begin (set-cdr! lag cell) (set-cdr! cell list)) (insert! (cdr list) list position cell)))) (if (null-list? list) '() (let ((in (cdr list))) (set-cdr! list '()) (let loop ((in in) (count 1) (out list)) (if (null-list? in) out (let ((next (cdr in)) (count (+ count 1))) (loop next count (let ((position (random count))) (if (zero? position) (begin (set-cdr! in out) in) (begin (insert! (cdr out) out position in) out)))))))))) ;;;; Selection Shuffle (define (selection-shuffle-list list) (define (select list position) (if (zero? position) (values (car list) (cdr list)) (receive (item tail) (select (cdr list) (- position 1)) (values item (cons (car list) tail))))) (if (null-list? list) '() (let loop ((in list) (out '()) (len (length list))) (receive (item list) (select in (random len)) (let ((out (cons item out))) (if (null-list? list) out (loop list (cons item out) (- len 1)))))))) (define (selection-shuffle-list! list) (define (select! list lag position) (if (zero? position) (begin (set-cdr! lag (cdr list)) list) (select! (cdr list) list (- position 1)))) (if (null-list? list) '() (let loop ((in list) (out '()) (len (length list))) (let ((position (random len))) (receive (cell next) (if (zero? position) (values in (cdr in)) (values (select! (cdr in) in (- position 1)) in)) (set-cdr! cell out) (if (null-list? next) cell (loop next cell (- len 1)))))))) ;;;; Fisher-Yates O(n) Random-Access Shuffle (define (Fisher-Yates-shuffler sequence-exchange!) (lambda (sequence start end) (do ((i start (+ i 1))) ((>= i end)) (let ((j (+ start (random (+ 1 (- i start)))))) (if (not (= i j)) (sequence-exchange! sequence i j)))))) (define (sequence-exchanger sequence-ref sequence-set!) (lambda (sequence i j) (let ((elt-i (sequence-ref sequence i)) (elt-j (sequence-ref sequence j))) (sequence-set! sequence j elt-i) (sequence-set! sequence i elt-j)))) (define shuffle-vector! (Fisher-Yates-shuffler (sequence-exchanger vector-ref vector-set!))) (define shuffle-string! (Fisher-Yates-shuffler (sequence-exchanger string-ref string-set!)))