;;; Using https://github.com/mario-goulart/coop-explorer $ cat test-stats.scm (import coop-explorer) (import srfi-1) (populate-coop-db! "/home/mario/src/eggs/eggs-5-latest") (print "Eggs with tests: " (length (filter egg-has-tests? (coop-eggs)))) (print "Eggs with tests that depend on the test egg: " (length (filter egg-has-tests? (egg-what-test-depends 'test)))) (print "Eggs with tests that do not depend on the test egg: " (length (filter (lambda (egg) (and (egg-has-tests? egg) (not (memq 'test (egg-test-dependencies egg))))) (coop-eggs)))) (print "Eggs with tests that don't depend on any egg: " (length (filter (lambda (egg) (and (egg-has-tests? egg) (null? (egg-test-dependencies egg)))) (coop-eggs)))) $ csi -s test-stats.scm Eggs with tests: 253 Eggs with tests that depend on the test egg: 200 Eggs with tests that do not depend on the test egg: 53 Eggs with tests that don't depend on any egg: 30