CHICKEN (c) 2008-2022, The CHICKEN Team (c) 2000-2007, Felix L. Winkelmann Version 5.3.1 (utf) (rev e910b74d) linux-unix-gnu-x86-64 [ 64bit dload ptables ] Type ,? for help. #;1> (define foo "abcαβdef") #;2> foo "abcαβdef" #;3> ,d # string of length 8 0: #\a 1: #\b 2: #\c 3: #\α 4: #\β 5: #\d 6: #\e 7: #\f #;3> (string-ref foo 6) #\a #;4> #\α #;5> #\β #;6> #\e #;7> (string->list foo) (#\a #\b #\c #\α #\β #\d #\e #\f) #;8> (list->string #) "abcαβdef" #;9> (string-fill! foo #\¼) #;10> foo "xxxxxxxx" #;11> ,d # string of length 8 0: #\x (followed by 7 identical instances) ... #;11> #;12> foo "¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼" #;13> ,d # string of length 8 0: #\¼ (followed by 7 identical instances) ... #;13> (string-set! foo 3 #\_) #;14> foo "¼¼¼_¼¼¼¼" #;15> ,d # string of length 8 0: #\¼ (followed by 2 identical instances) ... 3: #\_ 4: #\¼ (followed by 3 identical instances) ... #;15>