Before: Table "public.activity_tachoevent" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default -------------------+--------------------------+-----------+----------+------------------------------------------------- id | integer | | not null | nextval('activity_tachoevent_id_seq'::regclass) data_external_id | bigint | | not null | measured_at | timestamp with time zone | | not null | msg_seq | integer | | not null | odometer | integer | | | action | text | | not null | driver_id | integer | | not null | truck_id | integer | | | truck_position_id | integer | | | point | geography(Point,4326) | | | data_source | text | | | Indexes: "activity_tachoevent_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id) "activity_tachoevent_data_source_data_external_id_b5518bea_uniq" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (data_source, data_external_id) "one_current_event_per_driver" UNIQUE, btree (driver_id) WHERE data_external_id < 0 "activity_ta_driver__9ea5ad_idx" btree (driver_id, measured_at DESC, data_external_id DESC) "activity_ta_truck_i_71f0f5_idx" btree (truck_id, measured_at DESC, data_external_id DESC) "activity_tachoevent_driver_id_669ea416" btree (driver_id) "activity_tachoevent_truck_id_1bc49fb1" btree (truck_id) "activity_tachoevent_truck_position_id_d97e1b29" btree (truck_position_id) Check constraints: "activity_tachoevent_msg_seq_check" CHECK (msg_seq >= 0) "activity_tachoevent_odometer_check" CHECK (odometer >= 0) Foreign-key constraints: "activity_tachoevent_driver_id_669ea416_fk_asset_driver_id" FOREIGN KEY (driver_id) REFERENCES asset_driver(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED "activity_tachoevent_truck_id_1bc49fb1_fk_asset_truck_id" FOREIGN KEY (truck_id) REFERENCES asset_truck(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED "activity_tachoevent_truck_position_id_d97e1b29_fk_activity_" FOREIGN KEY (truck_position_id) REFERENCES activity_truckposition(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= After ALTER TABLE activity_tachoevent DROP COLUMN msg_seq: Table "public.activity_tachoevent" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default -------------------+--------------------------+-----------+----------+------------------------------------------------- id | integer | | not null | nextval('activity_tachoevent_id_seq'::regclass) data_external_id | bigint | | not null | measured_at | timestamp with time zone | | not null | odometer | integer | | | action | text | | not null | driver_id | integer | | not null | truck_id | integer | | | truck_position_id | integer | | | point | geography(Point,4326) | | | data_source | text | | | Indexes: "activity_tachoevent_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id) "activity_tachoevent_data_source_data_external_id_b5518bea_uniq" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (data_source, data_external_id) "one_current_event_per_driver" UNIQUE, btree (driver_id) WHERE data_external_id < 0 "activity_ta_driver__9ea5ad_idx" btree (driver_id, measured_at DESC, data_external_id DESC) "activity_ta_truck_i_71f0f5_idx" btree (truck_id, measured_at DESC, data_external_id DESC) "activity_tachoevent_driver_id_669ea416" btree (driver_id) "activity_tachoevent_truck_id_1bc49fb1" btree (truck_id) "activity_tachoevent_truck_position_id_d97e1b29" btree (truck_position_id) Check constraints: "activity_tachoevent_odometer_check" CHECK (odometer >= 0) Foreign-key constraints: "activity_tachoevent_driver_id_669ea416_fk_asset_driver_id" FOREIGN KEY (driver_id) REFERENCES asset_driver(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED "activity_tachoevent_truck_id_1bc49fb1_fk_asset_truck_id" FOREIGN KEY (truck_id) REFERENCES asset_truck(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED "activity_tachoevent_truck_position_id_d97e1b29_fk_activity_" FOREIGN KEY (truck_position_id) REFERENCES activity_truckposition(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED