-- testing Condition Utils --------------------------------------------------- composite of exn test extra .......................................... [ PASS] test property of extra component of (exn test extra) ................. [ PASS] (testc-extra-test testc) ............................................. [ PASS] (testc-extra-foo testc) .............................................. [ PASS] (call-chain? (get-call-chain 1)) ..................................... [ PASS] (call-chain? (get-call-chain 0)) ..................................... [ PASS] composite of exn test extra (set!) ................................... [ PASS] may fail - order an issue ............................................ [ PASS] (exn-condition? testc) ............................................... [ PASS] (exn-location testc) ................................................. [ PASS] (exn-message testc) .................................................. [ PASS] (exn-arguments testc) ................................................ [ PASS] (exn-call-chain testc) ............................................... [ PASS] (http-condition? thttpc) ............................................. [ PASS] (condition-irritants thttpc) ......................................... [ PASS] --> Writing exn condition --> (expect an "error") --> --------------------- --> Error: (test) test: test +: misc: +: extra: test 23 Call history: ./condition-utils-test.scm:30 (let ((chn (get-call-chain 1))) (set! testcc (make-exn-condition+ (quote test) "test" (quote (test))... ./condition-utils-test.scm:30 (##core#let ((chn (get-call-chain 1))) (set! testcc (make-exn-condition+ (quote test) "test" (quote ... (##core#begin (##core#set! testcc (make-exn-condition+ (quote test) "test" (quote (test)) chn (quote... (##core#set! testcc (make-exn-condition+ (quote test) "test" (quote (test)) chn (quote misc) (quote ... ./condition-utils-test.scm:32 (make-exn-condition+ (quote test) "test" (quote (test)) chn (quote misc) (quote (extra test 23))) ./condition-utils-test.scm:33 (quote test) ./condition-utils-test.scm:33 (##core#quote test) ./condition-utils-test.scm:33 (quote (test)) ./condition-utils-test.scm:33 (##core#quote (test)) ./condition-utils-test.scm:35 (quote misc) ./condition-utils-test.scm:35 (##core#quote misc) ./condition-utils-test.scm:35 (quote (extra test 23)) ./condition-utils-test.scm:35 (##core#quote (extra test 23)) ./condition-utils-test.scm:30 (get-call-chain 1) <-- write exn-condition .................................................. [ FAIL] expected "\nError: (test) test: test\n +: misc:\n +: extra: test 23\n\n\tCall history:\n\n\t\t (let ((chn (get-call-chain 1))) (set! testcc (make-exn-condition+ (quote test) \"test\" (quote (test))...\n\t\t (##core#let ((chn (get-call-chain 1))) (set! testcc (make-exn-condition+ (quote test) \"test\" (quote ...\n\t\t (##core#begin (##core#set! testcc (make-exn-condition+ (quote test) \"test\" (quote (test)) chn (quote...\n\t\t (##core#set! testcc (make-exn-condition+ (quote test) \"test\" (quote (test)) chn (quote misc) (quote ...\n\t\t (make-exn-condition+ (quote test) \"test\" (quote (test)) chn (quote misc) (quote (extra test 23)))\n\t\t (quote test)\n\t\t (##core#quote test)\n\t\t (quote (test))\n\t\t (##core#quote (test))\n\t\t (quote misc)\n\t\t (##core#quote misc)\n\t\t (quote (extra test 23))\n\t\t (##core#quote (extra test 23))\n\t\t (get-call-chain 1)\n\t\t (get-call-chain 1)\t<--\n" but got "\nError: (test) test: test\n +: misc:\n +: extra: test 23\n\n\tCall history:\n\n\t./condition-utils-test.scm:30\t (let ((chn (get-call-chain 1))) (set! testcc (make-exn-condition+ (quote test) \"test\" (quote (test))...\n\t./condition-utils-test.scm:30\t (##core#let ((chn (get-call-chain 1))) (set! testcc (make-exn-condition+ (quote test) \"test\" (quote ...\n\t\t (##core#begin (##core#set! testcc (make-exn-condition+ (quote test) \"test\" (quote (test)) chn (quote...\n\t\t (##core#set! testcc (make-exn-condition+ (quote test) \"test\" (quote (test)) chn (quote misc) (quote ...\n\t./condition-utils-test.scm:32\t (make-exn-condition+ (quote test) \"test\" (quote (test)) chn (quote misc) (quote (extra test 23)))\n\t./condition-utils-test.scm:33\t (quote test)\n\t./condition-utils-test.scm:33\t (##core#quote test)\n\t./condition-utils-test.scm:33\t (quote (test))\n\t./condition-utils-test.scm:33\t (##core#quote (test))\n\t./condition-utils-test.scm:35\t (quote misc)\n\t./condition-utils-test.scm:35\t (##core#quote misc)\n\t./condition-utils-test.scm:35\t (quote (extra test 23))\n\t./condition-utils-test.scm:35\t (##core#quote (extra test 23))\n\t./condition-utils-test.scm:30\t (get-call-chain 1)\t<--\n" (with-output-to-string (lambda () (write-exn-condition testcc))) 16 tests completed in 0.046 seconds. 1 failure (31/5%). 15 out of 16 (469/5%) tests passed. -- done testing Condition Utils ---------------------------------------------- test script failed with nonzero exit status