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Bug? module system + match pasted by mario-goulart on Sat Jul 26 03:01:42 2014

$ cat m.scm
(use matchable)

(match 'some-form
  ((or ('define-syntax identifier (syntax-rules ...))
       ('define-syntax identifier (er-macro-transformer ...)))
  (else #f))

$ csc m.scm
$ echo $?

$ cat m2.scm
(module bug ()

(import chicken scheme)
(use matchable)

(match 'some-form
  ((or ('define-syntax identifier (syntax-rules ...))
       ('define-syntax identifier (er-macro-transformer ...)))
  (else #f))


$ csc m2.scm

Warning: reference to possibly unbound identifier `syntax-rules' in:
Warning:    fk21019
Warning:    suggesting one of:
Warning:    (import r5rs-null)
Warning:    (import r4rs-null)
Warning:    (import scheme)
Warning:    (import r4rs)

Error: module unresolved: bug

Error: shell command terminated with non-zero exit status 256: '/home/mario/local/chicken-gc-optm/bin/chicken' 'm2.scm' -output-file 'm2.c'

Simplified matchable breakage added by sjamaan on Sat Jul 26 13:23:35 2014

(module bug ()

(import chicken scheme)
(use matchable)

(match 'some-form
  ((or ('x a) ('y b))
  (else #f))


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