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Solaris build warning2 added by mikele on Mon Jan 21 12:32:10 2013

cc -errtags -xdebugformat=stabs  -DHAVE_CHICKEN_CONFIG_H -DC_ENABLE_PTABLES -c -g -xO3 -fPIC -DPIC -DC_BUILDING_LIBCHICKEN runtime.c -o runtime.o -I. -I./
"runtime.c", line 8148: warning: argument #1 is incompatible with prototype:
        prototype: pointer to void : "runtime.c", line 2598
        argument : pointer to function(pointer to void) returning void (E_ARG_INCOMPATIBLE_WITH_ARG_L)
"runtime.c", line 8327: warning: argument #1 is incompatible with prototype:
        prototype: pointer to void : "runtime.c", line 2598
        argument : pointer to function(pointer to void) returning void (E_ARG_INCOMPATIBLE_WITH_ARG_L)
"runtime.c", line 8615: warning: argument #1 is incompatible with prototype:
        prototype: pointer to void : "runtime.c", line 2598
        argument : pointer to function(pointer to void) returning void (E_ARG_INCOMPATIBLE_WITH_ARG_L)
"runtime.c", line 8726: warning: initializer does not fit or is out of range: 0x80000000 (E_INIT_DOES_NOT_FIT)

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