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C5 on win10 with wierd pathnames added by klm` on Thu Aug 16 02:49:05 2018

;; trying to install an egg on a windows machine in a directory that contains "+" fails.

vagrant@VAGRANT-KMR8F7V /c/c/srfi-1> pwd
vagrant@VAGRANT-KMR8F7V /c/c/srfi-1> chicken-install
building srfi-1
  installing srfi-1
A subdirectory or file C:\c5\\lib\chicken\9 already exists.
The system cannot find the file specified.
        0 file(s) copied.
The system cannot find the file specified.
        0 file(s) copied.

Error: shell command terminated with nonzero exit code

;; applying a patch like this (wrapping pathnames in double quotes):

vagrant@VAGRANT-KMR8F7V /c/c/srfi-1> git diff
diff --git a/srfi-1.install.bat b/srfi-1.install.bat
index 4051890..37d27d2 100644
--- a/srfi-1.install.bat
+++ b/srfi-1.install.bat
@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
 @echo off
 cd C:\c5+test\srfi-1

-mkdir %DESTDIR%C:\c5\\lib\chicken\9
-copy /y C:\c5+test\srfi-1\srfi-1.static.obj %DESTDIR%C:\c5\\lib\chicken\9\srfi-1.obj
-copy /y C:\c5+test\srfi-1\srfi-1.link %DESTDIR%C:\c5\\lib\chicken\9\srfi-1.link
+mkdir "%DESTDIR%C:\c5\\lib\chicken\9"^M
+copy /y "C:\c5+test\srfi-1\srfi-1.static.obj" "%DESTDIR%C:\c5\\lib\chicken\9\srfi-1.obj"^M
+copy /y "C:\c5+test\srfi-1\srfi-1.link" "%DESTDIR%C:\c5\\lib\chicken\9\srfi-1.link"^M
 if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1

-mkdir %DESTDIR%C:\c5\\lib\chicken\9
-copy /y C:\c5+test\srfi-1\srfi-1.so %DESTDIR%C:\c5\\lib\chicken\9\srfi-1.so
+mkdir "%DESTDIR%C:\c5\\lib\chicken\9"^M
+copy /y "C:\c5+test\srfi-1\srfi-1.so" "%DESTDIR%C:\c5\\lib\chicken\9\srfi-1.so"^M
 if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1

-mkdir %DESTDIR%C:\c5\\lib\chicken\9
-copy /y C:\c5+test\srfi-1\srfi-1.import.so %DESTDIR%C:\c5\\lib\chicken\9\srfi-1.import.so
+mkdir "%DESTDIR%C:\c5\\lib\chicken\9"^M
+copy /y "C:\c5+test\srfi-1\srfi-1.import.so" "%DESTDIR%C:\c5\\lib\chicken\9\srfi-1.import.so"^M
 if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1

-mkdir %DESTDIR%C:\c5\\lib\chicken\9
-copy /y C:\c5+test\srfi-1\srfi-1.types %DESTDIR%C:\c5\\lib\chicken\9\srfi-1.types
+mkdir "%DESTDIR%C:\c5\\lib\chicken\9"^M
+copy /y "C:\c5+test\srfi-1\srfi-1.types" "%DESTDIR%C:\c5\\lib\chicken\9\srfi-1.types"^M
 if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1

;; now it seems to work:

vagrant@VAGRANT-KMR8F7V /c/c/srfi-1> cmd.exe /c srfi-1.install.bat
A subdirectory or file C:\c5\\lib\chicken\9 already exists.
The system cannot find the file specified.
        0 file(s) copied.
The system cannot find the file specified.
        0 file(s) copied.

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