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whole thing added by relay on Sat Nov 4 18:48:52 2017

(module gladia (
  (import scheme)

  ;;;Import necessesary eggs
  (require-extension random-bsd)
  (require-extension mathh-consts)
  (require-extension fmt)


  (define (prim:dot point)
    ;;Draws a dot at the specified co-ordinate
    (fmt #f
	 "PD" (car point) "," (cdr point) ";"))

  ;(define (prim:path points)
   ; (define point-list
    ;  (aux:make-point-list))

  (define (aux:make-point-list points #!optional (internal-list '()))
    (if (not (null? points))
	(aux:make-point-list (cdr points)
			     (cons (cdr (car points))
				   (cons (car (car points))
	(reverse internal-list)))


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