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begin-for-syntax added by r1b on Sun Jul 7 21:05:48 2019

(module test-extras (test-error*)
  (import (chicken base)
          (chicken condition)
          (chicken syntax)

    (define-syntax transform-condition
      (syntax-rules ()
        ((_ ?kind) (?kind))
        ((_ (?kind ?properties ...))
         (?kind ?properties ...)))))

  ; Based on the commented-out `test-error*` in the `test` egg
  (define-syntax test-error*
    (syntax-rules ()
      ((_ ?msg ((?kind ?properties ...) ...) ?expr)
       '(?msg ((?kind ?properties ...) ...) ?expr))
      ((_ ?msg ?condition ... ?expr)
       (test-error* ?msg ((transform-condition ?condition) ...) ?expr)))))

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