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register calculations added by andyjpb on Sat Jul 11 18:52:46 2020

#if 0
#define MAX(X, Y) ({                      \
		__typeof__ (X) _X = (X);  \
		__typeof__ (Y) _Y = (Y);  \
		(_X > _X) ? _X : _Y;      \
#define _SPI_MAX(X, Y) ((X) > (Y) ? (X) : (Y))

#define SPI_DIVISOR(X) _SPI_MAX((F_CPU / (double)(X)), (F_CPU / (double)(SPI_MAX_HZ)))

 * Produces an integer that represents {SPR1, SPR0, ~SPI2X}.
 *  0     0      0      1        0             2
 *  0     0      1      0        1             4
 *  0     1      0      1        2             8
 *  0     1      1      0        3            16
 *  1     0      0      1        4            32
 *  1     0      1      0        5            64
 *  1     1      0      1        6            64
 *  1     1      1      0        7           128
 * If the requested speed is slower than we can support then we return the
 * value that represents the slowest speed as there is no way to cause a
 * compile error.

#define _SPI_HZ(X)              \
	((X) > 128 ? 7 :        \
	 ((X) >  64 ? 7 :       \
	  ((X) >  32 ? 5 :      \
	   ((X) >  16 ? 4 :     \
	    ((X) >   8 ? 3 :    \
	     ((X) >   4 ? 2 :   \
	      ((X) >   2 ? 1 :  \

 * Writes out the character C to the device and puts the character returned by
 * the device into the memory pointed at by I.
#define SPI_swapchar(I, C) \
	do {                                                                            \
		/*                                                                      \
		 * Write straight to the register because we always wait for writes to  \
		 * finish before returning to the caller.                               \
		 */                                                                     \
		SPDR = C;                                                               \
		/* Wait for transmission and reception to complete. */                  \
		while(!(SPSR & (1<<SPIF)))                                              \
			;                                                               \
		/* Return the data that the SPI device sent us. */                      \
		*I = SPDR;                                                              \
	} while(0)

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