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effect of csc -f option added by DougT on Thu Jul 22 16:14:30 2021

;;; csc -f -O4 -block -lfa2 fib5A.scm  : 2.5 seconds
;;; csc  -O4 -block -lfa2 fib5A.scm  : 65  seconds

(define fib 
  (lambda (x) 
      (if (<= x 1)
          (+ (fib (- x 1)) (fib (- x 2))))))    

(define (main)
  (let* (  [fibNum 45] [result (fib fibNum)]  )   
    (display "(fib 45) = ")
    (disp yresult) (newline))) 

(let ( (start (clk)) )
  (display (- (clk) start) )
  (display " ms elapsed time") (newline))

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