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first go at procedural macros pasted by siiky on Mon Feb 7 23:53:21 2022

(import procedural-macros)
  (only srfi-13 string-concatenate)
  (only srfi-1 any)

(define (make-name components)
  (string->symbol (string-join (map symbol->string components) "/")))

(define-macro (defmeth components . optionals)
                ((null? components)
                 (syntax-error "The endpoint path must not be empty"))

                ((any (lambda (opt) (not (= (length opt) 2))) optionals)
                 (syntax-error "The optional parameters must have the form (type param)"))

                  (let ((name (make-name components)))
                    `(define (,name ,@components)

(defmeth (a b c))

; Error: during expansion of (defmeth ...) - unbound variable: make-name
; 	Call history:
; 	<syntax>	  (##core#begin (defmeth (a b c)))
; 	<syntax>	  (defmeth (a b c))
; 	<eval>	  (cdr89 form92)
; 	<eval>	  (seq-ref119 seq124 0)
; 	<eval>	  (seq-tail121 seq124 1)
; 	<eval>	  (null? components)
; 	<eval>	  (any (lambda (opt) (not (= (length opt) 2))) optionals)
; 	<eval>	  (make-name components)	<--

second go at procedural macros pasted by siiky on Tue Feb 8 00:00:42 2022

(import procedural-macros)
  (only srfi-13 string-concatenate)
  (only srfi-1 any)

(define (make-name components)
  (string->symbol (string-join (map symbol->string components) "/")))

; sorry for crappy indentation
  (defmeth components . optionals)
    (=? %name)
      ((null? components)
       (syntax-error "The endpoint path must not be empty"))

      ((any (lambda (opt) (not (= (length opt) 2))) optionals)
       (syntax-error "The optional parameters must have the form (type param)"))

        (let ((%name (make-name components)))
          `(define (,%name ,@components)

(defmeth (a b c))

; Error: during expansion of (defmeth ...) - unbound variable: make-name
; 	Call history:
; 	<syntax>	  (##core#begin (defmeth (a b c)))
; 	<syntax>	  (defmeth (a b c))
; 	<eval>	  (cdr89 form92)
; 	<eval>	  (seq-ref119 seq124 0)
; 	<eval>	  (seq-tail121 seq124 1)
; 	<eval>	  (inject94 (quote name))
; 	<eval>	  (null? components)
; 	<eval>	  (any (lambda (opt) (not (= (length opt) 2))) optionals)
; 	<eval>	  (make-name components)	<--

third go at procedural macros added by siiky on Tue Feb 8 00:27:20 2022

(import procedural-macros)
  (only srfi-13 string-join)
  (only srfi-1 any)

  (defmeth components . optionals)
    (=? %name)
      ((null? components)
       (syntax-error "The endpoint path must not be empty"))

      ((any (lambda (opt) (not (= (length opt) 2))) optionals)
       (syntax-error "The optional parameters must have the form (type param)"))

        (let* ((make-name
                 (lambda (components)
                   (string->symbol (string-join (map symbol->string components) "/"))))
               (%name (make-name components)))
          `(define (,%name ,@components)

(defmeth (a b c))
(print (a/b/c 1 2 3))

; $ csc pm.scm
; # all is well
; $ ./pm
; Error: unbound variable: a/b/c
; 	Call history:
; 	pm.scm:1: chicken.load#load-extension	
; 	pm.scm:27: a/b/c	  	<--

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