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chicken 4 vs 5, records and matchable / match added by jjhoo on Mon Feb 3 21:42:42 2020

(module asdf

  (import scheme)
     (import chicken)
     (import (only extras sprintf))
     (require-library matchable))
     (import chicken.base)
     (import chicken.format)
     (import (only chicken.memory.representation
                   record-instance-slot record-instance?))))

  (import matchable)

  (define-record foorec a b)
  (define-record barrec foo c)

  (define (test r)
    (match r
      [($ barrec foo c)
       (match foo
         [($ foorec a b)
          (print (sprintf "chicken-4 matched ~s ~s ~s" a b c))])]
      [($ asdf#barrec foo c)
       (match foo
         [($ asdf#foorec a b)
          (print (sprintf "chicken-5 matched ~s ~s ~s" a b c))])]
      [other (print "Other match " r)]))

  (test (make-barrec (make-foorec "cat" "dog") "parrot")))

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