Welcome to the CHICKEN Scheme pasting service

bounce, bounce, baby added by wasamasa on Thu Oct 19 22:42:50 2017

(load-verbose #f)
(use (only chicken-doc)) ; no imports, ,doc only

(use (prefix parley "pl-")
     (prefix parley-auto-completion "pl-")
     (only srfi-1 append-map)
     (only srfi-13 string-replace)
     (only srfi-18 thread-sleep!)
     (only apropos apropos-list)
     (only data-structures substring-index substring=? o alist-ref))

(define (pl-completer prefix)
  (define (apropos-completions prefix)
    (let ((candidates (apropos-list `(: bos ,prefix) #:macros? #t)))
       (lambda (candidate) (substring-index "#" candidate))
       (map symbol->string candidates))))
  (define (current-environment-completions prefix)
    (let ((size (string-length prefix)))
       (lambda (candidate) (substring=? prefix candidate 0 0 size))
       (map (o symbol->string car) (##sys#current-environment)))))
  (append (apropos-completions prefix)
          (current-environment-completions prefix)))

(define (pl-setup)
  (pl-word-class '($ (+ (~ (" \t\n\"\\'`;|(")))))
   (lambda (_input _position last-word)
     (pl-completer last-word)))
  (pl-add-key-binding! #\tab pl-auto-completion-handler)
  (let ((old (current-input-port))
        (history-file (format "~a/.csi_history"
                              (get-environment-variable "HOME"))))
    (current-input-port (pl-make-parley-port old
                                             prompt: "#;> "
                                             prompt2: "... "
                                             history-file: history-file))))

(define pl-quoters '(#\"))

(define pl-closer->opener-alist
  '((#\) . #\()
    (#\] . #\[)
    (#\} . #\{)))

(define (pl-find-opener line closer)
  (let ((opener (alist-ref closer pl-closer->opener-alist)))
    (let loop ((pos (sub1 (string-length line)))
               (depth 1)
               (in-string? #f))
       ((zero? depth) (add1 pos))
       ((negative? pos) #f)
        (let ((char (string-ref line pos)))
           ((eqv? char closer)
            (if in-string?
                (loop (sub1 pos) depth in-string?)
                (loop (sub1 pos) (add1 depth) in-string?)))
           ((eqv? char opener)
            (if in-string?
                (loop (sub1 pos) depth in-string?)
                (loop (sub1 pos) (sub1 depth) in-string?)))
           ((memv char pl-quoters)
            (loop (sub1 pos) depth (not in-string?)))
            (loop (sub1 pos) depth in-string?)))))))))

(define (pl-self-insert s c)
  (define (string-insert s i t) (string-replace s t i i))
  (let ((s2 s)
        (line (pl-state-line s))
        (pos (pl-state-pos s)))
    (pl-state-line-set! s2 (string-insert line pos (string c)))
    (pl-state-pos-set! s2 (add1 pos))
    (pl-state-dirty?-set! s2 #t)

 (lambda (closer)
    (lambda (state)
      (let ((opening-pos (pl-find-opener (pl-state-line state) closer))
            (state (pl-self-insert state closer)))
        ((pl-refresh-line) state redraw-line: #t)
        (when opening-pos
          (let ((out (pl-state-out state))
                (offset (+ (string-length (pl-state-prompt state))
                           (pl-state-offset state))))
            (display ((pl-esc-seq 'move-to-col)
                      (+ offset opening-pos 1))
            (thread-sleep! 0.5)
            (display ((pl-esc-seq 'move-to-col)
                      (+ offset (pl-state-pos state)))
 (map car pl-closer->opener-alist))

(when (not (get-environment-variable "INSIDE_EMACS"))

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