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test-srfi1.scm added by outtabwz on Sun Aug 2 20:50:17 2020

(import srfi-1)

(display (make-list 3 "Girls!"))

(display (iota 10 1))

(display (tenth (iota 20 2)))

(display (take-while (lambda (x) (= 2 x)) (list 2 2 2 3 4 5)))

(display (delete-duplicates (list 1 1 222 3 3 3)))


PS C:\Messages\build\chicken\scheme-projects> csc test-srfi1.scm                                
PS C:\Messages\build\chicken\scheme-projects> .\test-srfi1.exe
(Girls! Girls! Girls!)
(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)
(2 2 2)
(1 222 3)

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