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inline_allocate for C_s_a_i_digits_to_integer added by jjhoo on Sun Nov 17 12:42:10 2019

Does following call chain need 6 words for work space instead of 5, i.e.

    ("C_s_a_i_digits_to_integer" 6)
    str start (car end) radix neg?)) 


https://github.com/jjhoo/chicken-core/blob/master/chicken.h#L2411 (4?)
https://github.com/jjhoo/chicken-core/blob/master/chicken.h#L2376 (2?)

          (lambda (start neg? all-hashes-ok?)
            (let* ((digits (and (not seen-hashes?) (scan-digits start)))
                   (hashes (if digits
                               (and (cdr digits) (scan-hashes (cdr digits)))
                               (and all-hashes-ok? (scan-hashes start))))
                   (end (or hashes digits)))
              (and-let* ((end)
                         (num (##core#inline_allocate
			       ("C_s_a_i_digits_to_integer" 5)
			       str start (car end) radix neg?)))
                (when hashes            ; Eeewww. Feeling dirty yet?
                  (set! seen-hashes? #t)
                  (go-inexact! neg?))
(cons num (cdr end))))))

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