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intarweb header trouble added by erkin on Sat Jul 14 23:06:00 2018

(use http-client)
(use intarweb)
(use uri-common)

  method: 'GET
  uri: (uri-reference "http://httpbin.org")
  headers: (headers '((authorization #(basic ((username . "hello")))))))

Error: (unparse-headers) could not unparse "Authorization" header (#(basic ((username . "hello")))): (string-append) bad argument type - not a string: #f

	Call history:

	intarweb.scm:724: ##sys#print	  
	intarweb.scm:724: get-output-string	  
	intarweb.scm:723: ##sys#print	  
	intarweb.scm:723: ##sys#print	  
	intarweb.scm:723: get-output-string	  
	intarweb.scm:721: signal-http-condition	  
	intarweb.scm:584: make-property-condition	  
	intarweb.scm:586: make-property-condition	  
	intarweb.scm:583: make-composite-condition	  
	intarweb.scm:583: signal	  
	http-client.scm:571: k776	  
	http-client.scm:571: g780	  
	http-client.scm:710: close-connection!	  
	http-client.scm:225: close-input-port	  
	http-client.scm:226: close-output-port	  
	http-client.scm:711: raise	  	<--

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