Welcome to the CHICKEN Scheme pasting service

data-discarding HTTP handler added by teiresias on Tue Jun 14 19:41:10 2022

exec awful "$0" "$@"
(import scheme (chicken base) (chicken format) (chicken io) awful condition-utils intarweb spiffy)

 (let ((old-handler (page-exception-message)))
   (lambda (exn) (write-condition exn (current-error-port))
	   (old-handler exn))))

;; Let's not serve static files, shall we?
(handle-file (lambda (path) ((handle-not-found) path)))
(handle-directory (lambda (path) ((handle-not-found) path)))

(define-page (main-page-path)
  (lambda ()
    (let* (
           (content-length (or (header-value 'content-length (request-headers (current-request))) 0))
	   (bytes (read-string content-length (request-port (current-request)))))
  method: 'post)

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Which procedure can be used to check whether its argument is a symbol?
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