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Depending on the struct layout before foo, this segfaults added by C-Keen on Tue Jan 3 22:00:20 2012

(import foreign)

(foreign-declare #<<EOF

typedef struct {
    double x;
    double y;
    int foo;
} c_struct_t;

void fill_struct (c_struct_t* s, int val){
  s->foo = val;


(define-foreign-variable sizeof-c-struct size_t "sizeof(c_struct_t)")
(define-record c-struct-type buffer)
(let ((maker make-c-struct-type))
  (set! make-c-struct-type
    (lambda () (maker (make-blob sizeof-c-struct)))))

(define-foreign-type c-struct-t scheme-pointer)

(define fill-struct (foreign-lambda void "fill_struct" c-struct-t int))
(define c-struct-t-foo (foreign-lambda* int ((c-struct-t t)) "C_return(((c_struct_t*)t)->foo);"))

(print "sizeof c struct: " sizeof-c-struct)

(let loop ((i 0))
  (let ((s (make-c-struct-type)))
    (fill-struct s i)
    (print i " == " (c-struct-t-foo s)))
  (loop (add1 i)))

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