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multiple modules in egg file pasted by klm` on Thu Jul 5 16:43:28 2018

;; I get:
;; csi -R foo.bar1
;; Error: (require) cannot load extension: foo.bar1
;; -- why?

;; foobar.scm
(module foo.bar1 (foo-bar1) (import scheme) (define (foo-bar1) 1))
(module foo.bar2 (foo-bar2) (import scheme) (define (foo-bar2) 2))

;; foobar.egg
((components (extension foobar
   (modules foo.bar1 foo.bar2))))

no title pasted by klm` on Thu Jul 5 16:53:41 2018

find ~/.chickens/master/lib/chicken/9 -name "*foo*" | sort

fix by evhan! added by klm` on Fri Jul 6 17:19:49 2018

;; evhan found the solution!

;; foobar.scm
(declare (unit foobar))
(module foo.bar1 (foo-bar1) (import scheme) (define (foo-bar1) 1))
(module foo.bar2 (foo-bar2) (import scheme) (define (foo-bar2) 2))

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