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html generator fixed added by sugarwren on Sat Oct 26 18:24:36 2019

(define-syntax generate-html-tag
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((generate-html-tag x)
     (define (x . args)
           (display (string-append "<" (symbol->string 'x) ">"))
            (lambda (arg)
               ((string? arg) (display arg))
               ((promise? arg) (force arg))
               (else '())))
           (display (string-append "</" (symbol->string 'x) ">"))))))))

(generate-html-tag html)
(generate-html-tag head)
(generate-html-tag body)
(generate-html-tag p)

  (head "This is a page head")
   (p "here is a paragraph")
   (p "here is another"))))

;; above is now correct

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