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s11n large a-list end of input pasted by Vultyre on Fri Aug 21 23:20:11 2020

(import s11n)

(define x 5)
(call-with-output-file "testfile.s11n"
                       (lambda (output-port)
                         (serialize x output-port)))

(call-with-input-file "testfile.s11n" deserialize)

(define my-big-alist (procedure-that-generates-massive-alist))
(call-with-output-file "bigalist.s11n"
                       (lambda (output-port)
                         (serialize my-big-alist output-port)))

(call-with-input-file "bigalist.s11n" deserialize)

Outputs added by Vultyre on Fri Aug 21 23:23:39 2020

; First output

; Second output
Error: (deserialize) unexpected end of input: #<input port "bigalist.s11n">

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