Welcome to the CHICKEN Scheme pasting service

csi cant find the module added by widow on Fri Sep 27 09:40:23 2019

$ csi -ss quickrep.scm <quickrep.dat 'a.*c' A

Error: (import) during expansion of (import ...) - cannot import from undefined module: chicken.irregex

        Call history:

        <syntax>          (import scheme chicken.base chicken.syntax)
        <syntax>          (##core#begin (##core#require library scheme#) (##core#require library chicken.base#) (##core#requir...
        <syntax>          (##core#require library scheme#)
        <syntax>          (##sys#load-library (##core#quote library))
        <syntax>          (##core#quote library)
        <syntax>          (##core#require library chicken.base#)
        <syntax>          (##sys#load-library (##core#quote library))
        <syntax>          (##core#quote library)
        <syntax>          (##core#begin (##core#require expand chicken.syntax#))
        <syntax>          (##core#require expand chicken.syntax#)
        <syntax>          (##sys#load-library (##core#quote expand))
        <syntax>          (##core#quote expand)
        <eval>    (##sys#load-library (##core#quote library))
        <eval>    (##sys#load-library (##core#quote library))
        <eval>    (##sys#load-library (##core#quote expand))
        <syntax>          (import (chicken irregex) (chicken io))       <--

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Which one-argument R5RS procedure returns 1 when given `'(1 2 3)' as input?
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