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egg license survey added by wasamasa on Mon Aug 2 14:20:49 2021

;; grep -h -o -E 'license ([^\)]+)' **/*.egg | sed -e 's/license //' -e 's/"//g' | sort | uniq -c | sort -n

      1 AGPL
      1 bsd
      1 BSD-2-Clause
      1 BSD3
      1 GPL
      1 GPL-2
      1 LGPL-2
      1 LGPL-2.0+
      1 OpenLDAP
      1  SRFI
      1 unicode
      1 unknown
      1 Zlib
      2 GPL3
      2 GPL-3.0
      2 ISC
      2 public-domain
      2 unlicense
      3 LGPL-2.1
      4 Artistic
      4 BSD 1-clause
      6 GPLv3
      6 LGPL
      6 SRFI
      8 LGPL-3
      9 public domain
     11 zlib
     31 GPL-3
     31 Public Domain
     54 MIT
    318 BSD

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