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help added by mdhughes on Tue Nov 5 10:36:19 2019

(import (chicken platform) (chicken process) uri-common )

(define (open-url url)
"Attempts to open a URL `url` with the default web browser by calling a command: Mac: open, Windows: cmd /c start, POSIX: xdg-open"
		[(eq? (software-version) 'macosx)  (system (string-append "open " (qs url)) )]
		[(eq? (software-type) 'windows)  (system (string-append "cmd /c start " (qs url)) )]
		[else  (system (string-append "xdg-open " (qs url)) )] ) )

(define (help query)
"Opens chickadee docs for string `query`."
	(open-url (string-append "https://api.call-cc.org/5/cdoc/?query-regex=Regexp&q=" (uri-encode-string query)) ) )

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