Welcome to the CHICKEN Scheme pasting service

r7rs autocompile added by zig on Mon Dec 30 12:14:51 2019

amirouche@ubudec19:~/src/scheme/nomunofu/tmp$ tree
├── foo
│   └── bar.scm
└── program.scm

1 directory, 2 files
amirouche@ubudec19:~/src/scheme/nomunofu/tmp$ cat foo/bar.scm 
(define-library (foo bar)
  (import (scheme base))
  (export baz)
  (begin (define baz 1)))
amirouche@ubudec19:~/src/scheme/nomunofu/tmp$ cat program.scm 
#!/usr/bin/env chicken-scheme
 ;;; AUTOCOMPILE: -X r7rs -R r7rs -O3
(import (scheme write)
        (foo bar))
(display baz)
(display #\newline)
amirouche@ubudec19:~/src/scheme/nomunofu/tmp$ ./program.scm 

Syntax error (import): cannot import from undefined module


	Expansion history:

	<syntax>	  (##core#begin (import (scheme write) (foo bar)))
	<syntax>	  (import (scheme write) (foo bar))	<--

Error: shell command terminated with non-zero exit status 17920: '/usr/local/bin/chicken' 'program.scm' -output-file '/home/amirouche/.chicken-scheme.cache/efbf9ef46bbc1e14366893c0358a085a.c' -optimize-level 2 -extend r7rs -require-extension r7rs -optimize-level 3
command failed with non-zero exit status 256:

  /usr/local/bin/csc -O2 -X r7rs -R r7rs -O3 './program.scm' -o '/home/amirouche/.chicken-scheme.cache/efbf9ef46bbc1e14366893c0358a085a' > '/tmp/tempf4b2.11137.tmp'

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