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call trace added by nicklaf on Thu Feb 4 11:23:01 2021

Error: (map) bad argument type - not a list: position

        Call history:

        go_final.scm:340: gl-math#make-point
        go_final.scm:340: gl-math#translation
        go_final.scm:340: gl-math#make-point
        go_final.scm:340: gl-math#translation
        go_final.scm:340: gl-math#make-point
        go_final.scm:340: gl-math#translation
        go_final.scm:340: gl-math#make-point
        go_final.scm:340: gl-math#translation
        go_final.scm:340: gl-math#make-point
        go_final.scm:340: gl-math#translation
        go_final.scm:340: gl-math#make-point
        go_final.scm:340: gl-math#translation
        go_final.scm:340: gl-math#make-point
        go_final.scm:340: gl-math#translation
        go_final.scm:345: scheme#append
        go_final.scm:343: gl-utils-mesh#mesh-transform-append           <--

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