Welcome to the CHICKEN Scheme pasting service

henrietta-cache + vandusen error added by mario-goulart on Fri Nov 6 11:19:10 2020

Error: cannot write to socket - Broken pipe: 4

        Call history:

        http-client.scm:149: uri-common#uri-port
        http-client.scm:149: ##sys#print
        http-client.scm:149: chicken.base#get-output-string
        http-client.scm:215: srfi-69#hash-table-set!
        http-client.scm:149: chicken.base#open-output-string
        http-client.scm:149: uri-common#uri-host
        http-client.scm:149: ##sys#print
        http-client.scm:149: ##sys#write-char-0
        http-client.scm:149: uri-common#uri-port
        http-client.scm:149: ##sys#print
        http-client.scm:149: chicken.base#get-output-string
        http-client.scm:133: srfi-18#mutex-unlock!
        http-client.scm:691: scheme#values
        http-client.scm:571: k713
        http-client.scm:569: g716
        <eval>    (close-output-port vandusen-out)      <--

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