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blob-set-u32-{le,be}! pasted by andyjpb on Tue Feb 4 17:24:56 2020

(use blob-set-int)

(define a (string->blob (make-string 32 #\Z)))
(define b (string->blob (make-string 32 #\Z)))

 (blob-set-u32-be! a 0)
 (blob-set-u32-le! b 0))

Incorrectly gives me #t.

fixed repro added by andyjpb on Tue Feb 4 18:05:24 2020

(use blob-set-int)

(define a (string->blob (make-string 32 #\Z)))
(define b (string->blob (make-string 32 #\Z)))

(blob-set-u32-be! a 0)
(blob-set-u32-le! b 0)

(equal? a b)

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