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finalizer test fail added by Kooda on Sat Oct 12 13:49:32 2019

; csi -s test-finalizers.scm
Delete: (1 2 3) (y: #f)

Error: assertion failed: (= 2 n)

	Call history:

	<eval>	  (##sys#load-library (##core#quote library))
	<eval>	  (##sys#load-library (##core#quote expand))
	<syntax>	  (import (chicken format))
	<syntax>	  (##core#begin (##core#require extras chicken.format#))
	<syntax>	  (##core#require extras chicken.format#)
	<syntax>	  (##sys#load-library (##core#quote extras))
	<syntax>	  (##core#quote extras)
	<eval>	  (##sys#load-library (##core#quote extras))
	<syntax>	  (import (chicken gc))
	<syntax>	  (##core#begin (##core#require library chicken.gc#))
	<syntax>	  (##core#require library chicken.gc#)
	<syntax>	  (##sys#load-library (##core#quote library))
	<syntax>	  (##core#quote library)
	<eval>	  (##sys#load-library (##core#quote library))
	<syntax>	  (##sys#eval-debug-level 0)
	<eval>	  (##sys#eval-debug-level 0)	<--

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