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wtf segmentation violation?? added by anonymous on Mon Oct 23 04:25:30 2017


Error: segmentation violation

        Call history:

        <syntax>          (##core#begin loop)
        <syntax>          (##core#undefined)
        <syntax>          (%destroy-window158 (window159))
        <syntax>          (window159)
        <syntax>          (##core#begin (%terminate160))
        <syntax>          (%terminate160)
        <eval>    (init156)
        <eval>    (make-window157 640 480 "Example" resizable: #f context-version-major: 3 context-version-minor: 3)
        <eval>    (glfw:init)
        <eval>    (print (gl:is-supported? "GL_ARB_framebuffer_object"))
        <eval>    (gl:is-supported? "GL_ARB_framebuffer_object")
        <eval>    (make-shader gl:+vertex-shader+ *vertex*)
        <eval>    (make-shader gl:+fragment-shader+ *fragment*)
        <eval>    (program (make-program (list *vertex* *fragment*)))
        <eval>    (make-program (list *vertex* *fragment*))
        <eval>    (list *vertex* *fragment*)    <--

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