Welcome to the CHICKEN Scheme pasting service

win10 build added by harber on Thu Mar 7 22:29:09 2019

Machine type:           x86-64 (64-bit)
Software type:          windows
Software version:       mingw32
Build platform:         gnu
Installation prefix:    C:/Users/harber/source/chicken-5.0.0
Extension installation location:        C:/Users/harber/source/chicken-5.0.0/lib/chicken/9
Extension path:         (C:/Users/harber/source/chicken-5.0.0/lib/chicken/9)
Include path:           (C:/Users/harber/source/chicken-5.0.0/share/chicken)
Keyword style:          suffix
Symbol-table load:      0.81
  Avg bucket length:    1.46
  Total symbol count:   2458
Memory: heap size is 1048576 bytes with 912392 bytes currently in use
nursery size is 1048576 bytes, stack grows downward
Command line:           ("C:\\Users\\harber\\source\\chicken-5.0.0\\csi.exe")

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`call/cc' is a short name for which procedure?
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