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Awful web app sample added by verzit on Wed Nov 9 19:29:15 2022

(import awful)

(page-css "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/picnic")
(page-doctype "<!DOCTYPE html>")

(page-template (lambda (content #!key css title doctype headers charset content-type literal-style? (html-attribs '()) (body-attribs '()))
                 (html-page content
                            #:headers '((meta (@ (name "description") (content "this is a description")))
                                        (meta (@ (name "keywords") (content "HTML, CSS, JavaScript"))))
                            #:css css
                            #:title title
                            #:doctype doctype
                            #:headers headers
                            #:charset charset
                            #:content-type content-type
                            #:literal-style? literal-style?
                            #:html-attribs html-attribs
                            #:body-attribs body-attribs)))

(define-page (main-page-path)
  (lambda ()
    (set-page-title! "Hello product")
    '(i "hello")))

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