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C5 merge-se WIP pasted by megane on Thu Aug 23 19:25:08 2018

diff --git a/modules.scm b/modules.scm
index b0cdce5..c310553 100644
--- a/modules.scm
+++ b/modules.scm
@@ -44,6 +44,12 @@
+(define (make-hash-table #!optional _test _hash (size 301))
+  (make-vector size '()))
+(define (hash-table-exists? t k) (and (hash-table-ref t k) #t))
+;; (import (only (srfi 69) symbol-hash hash-table-exists? hash-table-set! make-hash-table))
 (include "common-declarations.scm")
 (include "mini-srfi-1.scm")
@@ -294,15 +300,31 @@
 			  (warn "indirect export of unknown binding" (car iexports))
 			  (loop2 (cdr iexports)))))))))))
-(define (merge-se . ses)		; later occurrences take precedence
-  (let bwd ((ses (remove null? ses)))
-    (cond ((null? ses) '())
-	  ((null? (cdr ses)) (car ses))	; Do not re-cons the final list
-	  (else (let fwd ((se (car ses))
-			  (rest (bwd (cdr ses))))
-		  (cond ((null? se) rest)
-			((assq (caar se) rest) (fwd (cdr se) rest))
-			(else (cons (car se) (fwd (cdr se) rest)))))))))
+(define (merge-se . ses*) ; later occurrences take precedence to earlier ones
+  (let ([seen (make-hash-table)]
+	[rses (reverse ses*)])
+    (let loop ([ses (cdr rses)]
+	       [last-se #f]
+	       [se2 (car rses)])
+      (cond
+       [(null? ses) se2]
+       [(or (eq? last-se (car ses))
+	    (null? (car ses)))
+       	(loop (cdr ses) last-se se2)]
+       [(not last-se)
+	(unless (null? ses)
+	  (for-each (lambda (e) (hash-table-set! seen (car e) #t)) se2))
+	(loop ses se2 se2)]
+       [else
+	(let lp ([se (car ses)]
+		 [se2 se2])
+	  (cond
+	   [(null? se) (loop (cdr ses) (car ses) se2)]
+	   [(hash-table-exists? seen (caar se))
+	    (lp (cdr se) se2)]
+	   [else
+	    (hash-table-set! seen (caar se) #t)
+	    (lp (cdr se) (cons (car se) se2))]))]))))
 (define (##sys#compiled-module-registration mod)
   (let ((dlist (module-defined-list mod))

Profiling added by Kooda on Wed Mar 20 10:39:56 2019

On hypergiant/examples/simple.scm
Compiled with chicken -:p simple.scm

master branch (without patch):
procedure                                               calls  seconds  average  percent
modules.scm:304: fwd                                       67  230.080    3.434   80.371
modules.scm:305: fwd                                       76   32.409    0.426   11.321
modules.scm:718: import-env                                18   22.550    1.252    7.877
library.scm:1300: ##sys#allocate-vector                     8    0.240    0.030    0.083
core.scm:522: find-id                                       7    0.160    0.022    0.055
library.scm:2673: ##sys#intern-symbol                       8    0.120    0.014    0.041
eval.scm:1033: ##sys#dload                                  6    0.120    0.020    0.041
eval.scm:91: find-id                                        7    0.070    0.010    0.024
library.scm:3653: g4333                                     4    0.040    0.010    0.013
library.scm:4031: ##sys#read-char-0                         3    0.030    0.010    0.010
library.scm:3634: g4319                                     3    0.030    0.010    0.010
modules.scm:773: ##sys#current-environment                  3    0.030    0.010    0.010
library.scm:4055: loop                                      3    0.030    0.010    0.010
expand.scm:277: lookup                                      3    0.030    0.010    0.010
library.scm:4017: ##sys#peek-char-0                         2    0.020    0.010    0.006
internal.scm:178: hash-symbol                               2    0.020    0.010    0.006
modules.scm:585: chicken.keyword#keyword?                   2    0.020    0.010    0.006
library.scm:1285: copy                                      2    0.020    0.010    0.006
modules.scm:715: g2251                                      2    0.020    0.010    0.006
eval.scm:1035: ##sys#dload                                  1    0.020    0.020    0.006
scrutinizer.scm:1849: g3797                                 1    0.020    0.020    0.006
library.scm:3997: loop                                      1    0.010    0.010    0.003
library.scm:4421: keyword-style                             1    0.010    0.010    0.003
modules.scm:386: merge-se                                   1    0.010    0.010    0.003
eval.scm:132: chicken.keyword#keyword?                      1    0.010    0.010    0.003
eval.scm:1146: ##sys#provided?                              1    0.010    0.010    0.003
library.scm:2816: ##sys#check-fixnum                        1    0.010    0.010    0.003
library.scm:2832: ##sys#make-vector                         1    0.010    0.010    0.003
library.scm:3666: ##sys#read                                1    0.010    0.010    0.003
mini-srfi-1.scm:82: pred                                    1    0.010    0.010    0.003
library.scm:4240: ##sys#read-char-0                         1    0.010    0.010    0.003
library.scm:2710: ##sys#symbol->string                      1    0.010    0.010    0.003
expand.scm:279: lookup                                      1    0.010    0.010    0.003
library.scm:3872: ##sys#call-with-current-continuation      1    0.010    0.010    0.003
library.scm:1350: ##sys#make-string                         1    0.010    0.010    0.003
library.scm:4204: r-vector                                  1    0.010    0.010    0.003
library.scm:1283: loop                                      1    0.010    0.010    0.003
library.scm:4127: ##sys#peek-char-0                         1    0.010    0.010    0.003
modules.scm:725: macro-env                                  1    0.010    0.010    0.003
expand.scm:479: lookup                                      1    0.010    0.010    0.003

master branch with patch:
procedure                                               calls  seconds  average  percent
modules.scm:740: import-env                                16   20.010    1.250   76.520
internal.scm:192: loop                                     51    2.089    0.040    7.992
internal.scm:178: hash-symbol                              40    0.920    0.022    3.518
internal.scm:185: hash-symbol                              27    0.410    0.015    1.567
library.scm:3653: g4333                                    27    0.390    0.014    1.491
library.scm:1300: ##sys#allocate-vector                    13    0.330    0.025    1.261
eval.scm:1033: ##sys#dload                                 10    0.190    0.018    0.726
library.scm:3634: g4319                                    15    0.170    0.011    0.650
core.scm:522: find-id                                       5    0.170    0.034    0.650
library.scm:4115: ##sys#intern-symbol                      13    0.140    0.010    0.535
modules.scm:327: lp                                         6    0.130    0.021    0.497
library.scm:2673: ##sys#intern-symbol                       4    0.080    0.020    0.305
modules.scm:316: g1208                                      7    0.070    0.010    0.267
library.scm:3930: readrec                                   5    0.070    0.014    0.267
library.scm:4123: scheme#append                             3    0.070    0.023    0.267
library.scm:4017: ##sys#peek-char-0                         5    0.060    0.012    0.229
modules.scm:323: hash-table-exists?                         5    0.050    0.010    0.191
library.scm:4026: ##sys#reverse-list->string                5    0.050    0.010    0.191
modules.scm:49: chicken.internal#hash-table-ref             4    0.050    0.012    0.191
support.scm:1674: scheme#append                             2    0.050    0.025    0.191
modules.scm:324: lp                                         4    0.040    0.010    0.152
modules.scm:326: chicken.internal#hash-table-set!           3    0.030    0.010    0.114
modules.scm:316: chicken.internal#hash-table-set!           3    0.030    0.010    0.114
library.scm:3756: ##sys#read-char-0                         3    0.030    0.010    0.114
expand.scm:277: lookup                                      3    0.030    0.010    0.114
eval.scm:91: find-id                                        2    0.030    0.014    0.114
library.scm:4009: r-xtoken                                  2    0.020    0.010    0.076
library.scm:1350: ##sys#make-string                         2    0.020    0.010    0.076
support.scm:1672: ##sys#put!                                2    0.020    0.010    0.076
library.scm:4012: ##sys#port-line                           2    0.020    0.010    0.076
support.scm:1656: ##sys#get                                 2    0.020    0.010    0.076
library.scm:4055: loop                                      2    0.020    0.010    0.076
expand.scm:279: lookup                                      2    0.020    0.010    0.076
library.scm:3715: case-sensitive                            2    0.020    0.010    0.076
library.scm:4031: ##sys#read-char-0                         2    0.020    0.010    0.076
library.scm:3997: loop                                      1    0.010    0.010    0.038
modules.scm:607: ##sys#string-append                        1    0.010    0.010    0.038
modules.scm:707: ##sys#symbol->string                       1    0.010    0.010    0.038
scrutinizer.scm:1503: g3188                                 1    0.010    0.010    0.038
library.scm:3872: ##sys#call-with-current-continuation      1    0.010    0.010    0.038
library.scm:4261: r-list                                    1    0.010    0.010    0.038
mini-srfi-1.scm:82: pred                                    1    0.010    0.010    0.038
modules.scm:709: g2177                                      1    0.010    0.010    0.038
library.scm:4739: check                                     1    0.010    0.010    0.038
library.scm:2434: lp                                        1    0.010    0.010    0.038
library.scm:1283: loop                                      1    0.010    0.010    0.038
modules.scm:595: ##sys#find-module                          1    0.010    0.010    0.038
support.scm:1674: ##sys#get                                 1    0.010    0.010    0.038
library.scm:4127: ##sys#peek-char-0                         1    0.010    0.010    0.038
irregex-core.scm:3587: next                                 1    0.010    0.010    0.038
library.scm:4382: ##sys#write-char/port                     1    0.010    0.010    0.038
library.scm:4276: r-symbol                                  1    0.010    0.010    0.038
modules.scm:795: ##sys#current-environment                  1    0.010    0.010    0.038
support.scm:302: scheme#read                                1    0.010    0.010    0.038
library.scm:3757: loop                                      1    0.010    0.010    0.038
library.scm:1285: copy                                      1    0.010    0.010    0.038
library.scm:3719: current-read-table                        1    0.010    0.010    0.038
library.scm:3750: ##sys#peek-char-0                         1    0.010    0.010    0.038
eval.scm:95: ##sys#get                                      1    0.010    0.010    0.038
eval.scm:1035: ##sys#dload                                  1    0.010    0.010    0.038
expand.scm:100: lookup                                      1    0.010    0.010    0.038
library.scm:4278: readrec                                   1    0.010    0.010    0.038
library.scm:2452: scan-digits                               1    0.010    0.010    0.038

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