Welcome to the CHICKEN Scheme pasting service

CHICKEN Coding Jam results pasted by Bunny351 on Sun Apr 11 12:00:13 2021

- wiki page for explaining how to make bug reports

- egg-pages: links to source repositories

- revamp/replace FAQ (felix)

- better documentation in the form of more tutorials + how-tos

- make a 5.3.0 release

- egg-file -> test report pipeline for easy contribution

- keeping 4 + 5 parallel infrastructure is messy (mario)
  (perhaps scale down C4 support?)

- implement proof-of-concept I/O scheduler as egg (felix)

- fixing versions of dependencies: better documentation on that (how-to)

- mark unowned (but ported) eggs (mattwell)

- csi + static eggs bundle (mattwell)

no title pasted by Kooda on Sun Apr 11 12:04:12 2021

- Tutorial / documentation on virtualenv-like tools, including cenv (https://github.com/ursetto/cenv)

- sexpr diff egg (https://fosdem.org/2021/schedule/event/sexpressiondiff/)

more coding jam results added by mario-goulart on Sun Apr 11 12:52:02 2021

- crosslinks between related things in the documentation

- improve the wiki search engine somehow

- more examples in the documentation

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