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struct.tex patch added by siiky on Sat May 8 00:38:51 2021

diff --git a/spec/struct.tex b/spec/struct.tex
index e77c8b9..72db51f 100644
--- a/spec/struct.tex
+++ b/spec/struct.tex
@@ -206,11 +206,11 @@ are written using angle brackets, for example \hyper{expression} and
 program text; for example, \hyper{expression} stands for any string of
 characters which is a syntactically valid expression.  The notation
-\qquad \hyperi{thing} $\ldots$
+\qquad \hyperi{thing} \ldots
 indicates zero or more occurrences of a \hyper{thing}, and
-\qquad \hyperi{thing} \hyperii{thing} $\ldots$
+\qquad \hyperi{thing} \hyperii{thing} \ldots
 indicates one or more occurrences of a \hyper{thing}.

@@ -244,12 +244,12 @@ section~\ref{disjointness}, then it is an error if that argument is not of the n
 For example, the header line for {\tt vector-ref} given above dictates that the
 first argument to {\tt vector-ref} is a vector.  The following naming
 conventions also imply type restrictions:
-\newcommand{\foo}[1]{\vr{#1}, \vri{#1}, $\ldots$ \vrj{#1}, $\ldots$}
+\newcommand{\foo}[1]{\vr{#1}, \vri{#1}, \ldots \vrj{#1}, \ldots}
 \vr{alist}&association list (list of pairs)\\
 \vr{boolean}&boolean value (\schtrue{} or \schfalse{})\\
-\vr{byte}&exact integer $0 \leq byte < 256$\\
+\vr{byte}&exact integer $$0 \leq byte < 256$$\\
 \vr{end}&exact non-negative integer\\

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