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fixing example added by anonymous on Mon Oct 23 04:24:15 2017

(import chicken scheme)
(use (prefix glfw3 glfw:) (prefix opengl-glew gl:) gl-math gl-utils)

(define *vertex* 
#<gl (mesh-mode rect))                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
                                (mesh-n-indices rect)
                                (type->gl (mesh-index-type rect))
                                #f 0)

  (gl:bind-vertex-array 0))

(glfw:with-window (640 480 "Example" resizable: #f
                       context-version-major: 3
                       context-version-minor: 3)

  (print (gl:is-supported? "GL_ARB_framebuffer_object"))

  (set! *vertex* (make-shader gl:+vertex-shader+ *vertex*))
  (set! *fragment* (make-shader gl:+fragment-shader+ *fragment*))
  (program (make-program (list *vertex* *fragment*)))

  (mesh-make-vao! rect `((position . ,(gl:get-attrib-location
                                       (program) "position"))
                         (color . ,(gl:get-attrib-location
                                    (program) "color"))))
  (let loop ()
    (glfw:swap-buffers (glfw:window))
    (gl:clear (bitwise-ior gl:+color-buffer-bit+ gl:+depth-buffer-bit+))
    (glfw:poll-events) ; Because of the context version, initializing GLEW results in a harmless invalid enum
    (unless (glfw:window-should-close (glfw:window))

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