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backend branch added by Kooda on Sat Apr 10 12:54:48 2021

./chicken-boot  data-structures.scm -optimize-level 2 -include-path . -include-path ./ -inline -ignore-repository -feature chicken-bootstrap -no-warnings -specialize -consult-types-file ./types.db  -explicit-use -no-trace -output-file data-structures.c \
-emit-import-library chicken.sort \
-emit-import-library chicken.string

Error: during expansion of (quasiquote ...) - segmentation violation

        Call history:

        <syntax>          (alist-ref node (car state) pred)
        <syntax>          (car state)
        <syntax>          (##core#begin (##core#if (or565 (eqv?567 tmp564 (quote grey))) (##core#begin (abort (##sys#make-stru...
        <syntax>          (##core#if (or565 (eqv?567 tmp564 (quote grey))) (##core#begin (abort (##sys#make-structure (quote c...
        <syntax>          (or565 (eqv?567 tmp564 (quote grey)))
        <syntax>          (eqv?567 tmp564 (quote grey))
        <syntax>          (quote grey)
        <syntax>          (##core#quote grey)
        <syntax>          (##core#begin (abort (##sys#make-structure (quote condition) (quote (exn runtime cycle)) (quasiquote...
        <syntax>          (abort (##sys#make-structure (quote condition) (quote (exn runtime cycle)) (quasiquote ((exn . messa...
        <syntax>          (##sys#make-structure (quote condition) (quote (exn runtime cycle)) (quasiquote ((exn . message) "cy...
        <syntax>          (quote condition)
        <syntax>          (##core#quote condition)
        <syntax>          (quote (exn runtime cycle))
        <syntax>          (##core#quote (exn runtime cycle))
        <syntax>          (quasiquote ((exn . message) "cycle detected" (exn . arguments) (unquote (list (cons node (reverse p...       <--

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