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Coding style suggestions? added by accidentalrebel on Fri May 15 01:59:54 2020

(define MOVEMENT_SPEED 0.001)

(define *cube*)
(define *cube-shader*)
(define *cube-positions*)

(define (init)
  (set! *cube*
	(cube:create "assets/textures" "awesomeface.png"))
  (set! *cube-shader*
	(shader:create "shaders/simple-3d.vs" "shaders/simple.fs"))
  (set! *cube-positions*
	(list (vec3:create 0 0 0)
	      (vec3:create 1.25 0 0)
	      (vec3:create -1.25 0 0)))

(define (update)
  (let* ((main-camera (camera:main))
	 (current-projection (camera:projection main-camera))
	 (camera-pos (camera:position main-camera)))
    (when (key:up? KEY_C)
      (if (= current-projection PERSPECTIVE)
	  (camera:projection! main-camera ORTHOGRAPHIC)
	  (camera:projection! main-camera PERSPECTIVE)))
    (when (key:down? KEY_A)
      (vec3:x! camera-pos
		  (+ (vec3:x camera-pos) MOVEMENT_SPEED)))
    (when (key:down? KEY_E)
      (vec3:x! camera-pos
		  (- (vec3:x camera-pos) MOVEMENT_SPEED)))
    (when (key:down? KEY_COMMA)
      (vec3:z! camera-pos
		  (+ (vec3:z camera-pos) MOVEMENT_SPEED)))
    (when (key:down? KEY_O)
      (vec3:z! camera-pos
		  (- (vec3:z camera-pos) MOVEMENT_SPEED))))
   (lambda (position)
     (let ((%tint (vec3:create% 1 0 1)))
       (cube:draw *cube* position 1 1 %tint *cube-shader*)
       (free% %tint)))

  ;; (display (conc "GC: " (->string (gc #f))))

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