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optimism permission denied globally wrong prefix? added by gonzidude on Tue Jul 9 17:49:56 2024

   /usr/bin/csc -setup-mode -s -host -I /home/amirouche/.cache/chicken-install/optimism -C -I/home/amirouche/.cache/chicken-install/optimism -d1 -O3 optimism.getopt-long.import.scm -o /home/amirouche/.cache/chicken-install/optimism/optimism.getopt-long.import.so
installing optimism
install: cannot create regular file '/var/lib//chicken/11/optimism.getopt-long.o': Permission denied

Error: shell command terminated with nonzero exit code
"sh /home/amirouche/.cache/chicken-install/optimism/optimism.install.sh"

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