Welcome to the CHICKEN Scheme pasting service

Some http-client error? added by siiky on Mon Jun 13 23:36:39 2022

Error: bad argument type - not an unsigned integer: 13233.0

	Call history:

	http-client.scm:745: g935	
	http-client.scm:748: scheme#open-input-file	
	http-client.scm:751: scheme#call-with-current-continuation	
	http-client.scm:751: chicken.condition#with-exception-handler	
	http-client.scm:751: ##sys#call-with-values	
	http-client.scm:753: sendfile#sendfile	
	http-client.scm:751: k946	
	http-client.scm:747: g949	
	http-client.scm:752: scheme#close-input-port	
	http-client.scm:752: srfi-18#raise	
	http-client.scm:570: k727	
	http-client.scm:568: g730	
	http-client.scm:702: close-connection!	
	http-client.scm:221: scheme#close-input-port	
	http-client.scm:222: scheme#close-output-port	
	http-client.scm:703: srfi-18#raise	  	<--

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