Welcome to the CHICKEN Scheme pasting service

openssl added by gahr on Wed Sep 18 16:34:34 2024

$ cat main.scm
(module main ()
  (import (scheme)
          (chicken base)
          (chicken io)
  (print (with-input-from-request "http://example.com" #f read-string)))

$ chicken-csc main.scm && ./main | head -4
<!doctype html>
    <title>Example Domain</title>

$ csm -static -program main                                            
  '/usr/local/bin/chicken-csc' '-o' 'main' '-I' '/usr/home/gahr/fossil/openssl' '-C' '-I' '-C' '/usr/home/gahr/fossil/openssl' '-static' '/usr/home/gahr/fossil/openssl/main.scm'
ld: error: undefined symbol: SSL_CTX_free                                                      
>>> referenced by openssl.socket.static.c      
>>>               /home/gahr/.chicken-install/11/openssl.socket.o:(f_1734)

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