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Basic Chicken Example added by wkmanire on Tue Jan 14 05:23:11 2020

wkmanire@pop-os:~/Projects/hello$ chicken-install
building hello
   /usr/bin/csc -host -D compiling-extension -J -s -regenerate-import-libraries -setup-mode -I /home/wkmanire/Projects/hello -C -I/home/wkmanire/Projects/hello -O2 -d1 hello.scm -o /home/wkmanire/Projects/hello/hello.so
   /usr/bin/csc -setup-mode -s -host -I /home/wkmanire/Projects/hello -C -I/home/wkmanire/Projects/hello -O2 -d0 hello.import.scm -o /home/wkmanire/Projects/hello/hello.import.so
csc: file `hello.import.scm' does not exist

Error: shell command terminated with nonzero exit code
"sh /home/wkmanire/Projects/hello/hello.build.sh"
wkmanire@pop-os:~/Projects/hello$ cat hello.egg
;;;; hello.egg

((author "wkmanire")
 (synopsis "A cool hello-world library")
 (license "Public Domain")
 (components (extension hello)))
wkmanire@pop-os:~/Projects/hello$ cat hello.scm 
;;;; hello.scm

(define (hello name)
  (print "Hello, " name " !"))

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