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mesh-transform-append added by nicklaf on Thu Feb 4 11:25:51 2021
(define (mesh-transform-append pairs #!key (position-name 'position)
(normal-name 'normal))
(let* ((meshes (map first pairs))
(transforms (map second pairs))
(normal-transforms (if (> (length (car pairs)) 2)
(map third pairs)
(mesh (mesh-append meshes))
(attributes (mesh-vertex-attributes mesh))
(position-offset (vertex-attribute-offset
(get-vertex-attribute position-name attributes)))
(normal-offset (if* (find (lambda (attribute)
(equal? normal-name
(vertex-attribute-name attribute)))
(vertex-attribute-offset it)
(stride (mesh-stride mesh))
(vertex-data (bytevector->pointer (mesh-vertex-data mesh))))
(let loop ((meshes meshes) (transforms transforms)
(normal-transforms normal-transforms) (vertex-offset 0))
(if (null? meshes)
(let ((n-vertices (mesh-n-vertices (car meshes)))
(offset (* vertex-offset stride)))
(m*vector-array! (car transforms)
(pointer+ vertex-data
(+ position-offset offset))
stride: stride
length: n-vertices)
(when normal-offset
(m*vector-array! (transpose (inverse (car (or normal-transforms
(pointer+ vertex-data
(+ normal-offset offset))
stride: stride
length: n-vertices))
(loop (cdr meshes) (cdr transforms)
(and normal-transforms (cdr normal-transforms))
(+ vertex-offset n-vertices)))))))