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synch failed tests added by siiky on Wed May 8 17:27:31 2024

-- testing Synch Examples ----------------------------------------------------

    -- testing Synch Genny ---------------------------------------------------
    locked ........................................................... [ PASS]
    unlocked (Way Too Early) ......................................... [ FAIL]
        assertion failed
        (eq? 'not-abandoned (mutex-state mx1))
    locked ........................................................... [ PASS]
    unlocked (Way Too Early) ......................................... [ FAIL]
        assertion failed
        (eq? 'not-abandoned (mutex-state mx1))
    locked ........................................................... [ PASS]
    unlocked (Way Too Early) ......................................... [ FAIL]
        assertion failed
        (eq? 'not-abandoned (mutex-state mx1))
    locked ........................................................... [ PASS]
    unlocked (Way Too Early) ......................................... [ FAIL]
        assertion failed
        (eq? 'not-abandoned (mutex-state mx1))
    locked ........................................................... [ PASS]

    -- testing Dynamic Context -----------------------------------------------
    ran to end ....................................................... [ PASS]
    1 test completed in 0.001 seconds.
    1 out of 1 (100%) test passed.
    -- done testing Dynamic Context ------------------------------------------

    -- testing Genny ---------------------------------------------------------
    ran to end ....................................................... [ PASS]
    1 test completed in 0.001 seconds.
    1 out of 1 (100%) test passed.
    -- done testing Genny ----------------------------------------------------

    ran to end ....................................................... [ PASS]
    unlocked ......................................................... [ PASS]
    7 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
    4 failures (571/10%).
    3 out of 7 (429/10%) tests passed.
    -- done testing Synch Dynamic Context (Early Exit Handler Call) ----------

    locked ........................................................... [ FAIL]
        assertion failed
        (not (eq? 'not-abandoned (mutex-state mx1)))
    ran to end ....................................................... [ PASS]
    unlocked ......................................................... [ PASS]
    8 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
    1 failure (25/2%).
    7 out of 8 (175/2%) tests passed.
    -- done testing Synch Genny ----------------------------------------------

4 subgroups completed in 0.016 seconds.
2 out of 4 (50%) subgroups passed.
-- done testing Synch Examples -----------------------------------------------

                    *** Tests Will Fail ***
            Which depends on how threads are scheduled.

            Shows a reasonable use of an exit continuation
            breaks the implied "isolation".

            Need to know what is being synch'ed.
            Coroutine Generators OK, Dynamic-Lambda, not OK.

*** /home/siiky/.local/bin/csc synch-continuation-test -local -inline-global -inline -specialize -strict-types -optimize-leaf-routines -clustering -lfa2 -no-trace -no-lambda-info ***

-- testing Synch Examples ----------------------------------------------------

-- testing Synch Examples ----------------------------------------------------

-- testing Synch Examples ----------------------------------------------------

    -- testing Synch Dynamic Context (Early Exit Handler Call) ---------------
    unlocked (Way Too Early) ......................................... [ PASS]

-- testing Synch Examples ----------------------------------------------------

    -- testing Synch Genny ---------------------------------------------------
    locked ........................................................... [ PASS]
    unlocked (Way Too Early) ......................................... [ FAIL]
        assertion failed
        (eq? 'not-abandoned (mutex-state mx1))
    locked ........................................................... [ PASS]
    unlocked (Way Too Early) ......................................... [ FAIL]
        assertion failed
        (eq? 'not-abandoned (mutex-state mx1))
    locked ........................................................... [ PASS]
    unlocked (Way Too Early) ......................................... [ FAIL]
        assertion failed
        (eq? 'not-abandoned (mutex-state mx1))
    locked ........................................................... [ PASS]
    unlocked (Way Too Early) ......................................... [ FAIL]
        assertion failed
        (eq? 'not-abandoned (mutex-state mx1))
    locked ........................................................... [ PASS]

    -- testing Dynamic Context -----------------------------------------------
    ran to end ....................................................... [ PASS]
    1 test completed in 0.0 seconds.
    1 out of 1 (100%) test passed.
    -- done testing Dynamic Context ------------------------------------------

    -- testing Genny ---------------------------------------------------------
    ran to end ....................................................... [ PASS]
    1 test completed in 0.0 seconds.
    1 out of 1 (100%) test passed.
    -- done testing Genny ----------------------------------------------------

    ran to end ....................................................... [ PASS]
    unlocked ......................................................... [ PASS]
    7 tests completed in 0.0 seconds.
    4 failures (571/10%).
    3 out of 7 (429/10%) tests passed.
    -- done testing Synch Dynamic Context (Early Exit Handler Call) ----------

    locked ........................................................... [ FAIL]
        assertion failed
        (not (eq? 'not-abandoned (mutex-state mx1)))
    ran to end ....................................................... [ PASS]
    unlocked ......................................................... [ PASS]
    8 tests completed in 0.001 seconds.
    1 failure (25/2%).
    7 out of 8 (175/2%) tests passed.
    -- done testing Synch Genny ----------------------------------------------

4 subgroups completed in 0.002 seconds.
2 out of 4 (50%) subgroups passed.
-- done testing Synch Examples -----------------------------------------------

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