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unjson-in-a-loop.scm added by gonzigdude on Tue Jul 9 20:36:02 2024

(import (scheme base))
(import (scheme file))
(import (scheme process-context))
(import (srfi 180))

(define pk
  (lambda args
    (when #t #;(get-environment-variable "DEBUG")
      (display ";; ")
      (write args)
    (car (reverse args))))

(define todo
  (lambda ()
    (call-with-input-file "bytes25k.json" json-read)))

(let loop ((i (string->number (cadr (pk 'cli (command-line))))))
  (unless (zero? i)
    (when (zero? (modulo i 100))
      (pk i))
    (loop (- i 1))))

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Given a list, which one-argument R5RS procedure returns the element at index 0?
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