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no title added by anonymous on Thu Oct 19 22:16:23 2023
(import srfi-13 srfi-28) ;; 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (define +krn+ "NNRKRNRNKRNRKNRNRKRNRNNKRRNKNRRNKRNRKNNRRKNRNRKRNN") (define (nth-empty str n) (define (inner str count idx) (let ((new-idx (+ 1 idx))) (if (> count 0) (if (< idx (string-length str)) (if (char=? #\space (string-ref str idx)) (inner str (- count 1) new-idx) (inner str count new-idx)) '()) new-idx))) (inner str n 0)) (define (chess960 id) (let* ((rank " ") (q1 (quotient id 4)) (r1 (remainder id 4)) (q2 (quotient q1 4)) (r2 (remainder q1 4)) (q3 (quotient q2 6)) (r3 (remainder q2 6))) (string-set! rank (+ 1 (* 2 r1)) #\B) ; light-square (string-set! rank (* 2 r2) #\B) ; dark-square (string-set! rank (nth-empty rank r3) #\Q) (let* ((start (* 5 q3)) (krn (string->list (substring +krn+ start (+ start 5))))) (map (lambda (x) (string-set! rank (string-index rank #\space) x)) krn)) (display rank))) (chess960 518)